PC Repair Centre

With over 18 Years of experience in the industry. Our aim is to provide the best possible IT service and support. On-site service is also available.

Computer Sales, Service and Repairs

PC Repair Services was formed by David Hampson on 1st of May 1996 when he realised there was a serious lack of fast, reliable computer services operating in Melbourne. Most established computer companies were spending all their time selling the product instead of also offering the after-sales hardware and software support that is so greatly needed to cope with the ever changing face of technology.

In 1997 The PC Repair Centre was opened, a business devoted entirely to providing the same quality of onsite service, but also offering quality in-house repairs and sales.

In 2003 The PC Repair Centre moved into a bigger and better location @ 662 High Street, East Kew, to help service the increasing demand & provide better service.

The PC Repair Centre is an independent business. This enables us to provide our clients with personal, unbiased advice without the red tape of larger companies. From a marketing perspective this has proven to be very successful and has ultimately created overall consumer trust and satisfaction in our services.

Local business